I I - part - usaid

I I - part - usaid

I I - part - usaid


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Spec::iaist iaLe.Lt are trained, and demonstration trials<br />

on Lice wcoud begin with the tirst rainy bea-on, while<br />

trhe fie6 crops dttet r:ce demonstration trials would<br />

begin fiter L.ce harvest.<br />

The TADC w.ll meet Legularly to ce-,.ew the<br />

progress of Project implementation act-vaties and update and<br />

revise tambon plans as more nfoxmation and experience<br />

is ,gajnea, inf-,at.;on will be provided to the TADC<br />

througn !he teport.,r', ? and expianation by Project staff of<br />

lane resource Eu:veys, farming systems as-essments, and<br />

demonsi ration ar.d applied research tr.ais; through technical,<br />

market-..q and otheL Lnformat.on pro\.:ded by the Project;<br />

through rneetarg- wirth local oficia.Ls and merchants on the<br />

feaz,b. It.y oc ,.aiious activities; nd tbL,.ough ixtormation<br />

picoice~d by vi±agers in pericdic. vilage meetings. The<br />

Pr'o)ect iieid mai.ager will assist tre TAEJC n these<br />

actvvivties afr¢o csure that. the Lhiei Distx. ct Officer,<br />

prGvincial committee, and ProJect management Center are<br />

kept adlv-.sed regarding tambon pians ana activities.<br />

A. InitiaL Pjc,.je.L iinpLeme1.tLcAtn aLtIvIties in<br />

the tainnof. are :uccesstu± in getting local faimers to<br />

unders.and imp:uxed p..accices and their potentlal for<br />

improved incomei addiLiona! activities wi.l re selected<br />

by the TADC tor inclusion :n the tambon program.<br />

Additional activit.t5s up to agreed funding levtl would<br />

not requirp -.rnpova. beyond he P,oelct rVrewrnr, howeve:,<br />

ma3or amendments would be approved..through the same<br />

process as the original p-an. The tied managei wiil pay<br />

special attentIcr, to tambor. actIvIt, e-' LO see that they<br />

are not becoming t: compiex s. that they overburden<br />

either the abil:ty of local laxmes to digest the new<br />

informdtion, cr the obii.ty of the Prorect to supply<br />

adeqUate support in Cder to heip ,.;m ir.thi!, assessment,<br />

pes,ne'L t te varIitUs depdrtments inf.viLvea %itn Project<br />

:mplementaticr will Keep ham advised of thei.. activities<br />

within the tambcn. The taeid managet wili ,epcrt pregresz<br />

and problems to aoctn ihh provinci a commIttee and the<br />

P1o3ect Di;ectcor

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