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c. Other Farming Sys'em Modifications<br />

ANNEX V-4<br />

As discussed kn the Strategy sect-ion, farming practices<br />

both :n the Northeast generally and ir Project tambons, currently<br />

include actz.vities other than annual. crop production which are<br />

important in terms 3± both overall farm income and overall labor<br />

utill2ation. A number of these activities also have considerable<br />

potential for a significant contributicn to increase farm income<br />

through the util.izat.ion of improved technology. It is widely<br />

believed that only through the examLnation of the overall farming<br />

system and mplemen'ation of improvements wh:ch address key<br />

constlai.n:,i throughcut- hs system, will farm families in rainfed<br />

area's Df "he Northeast be able tc generate enough income to begin<br />

to approach nation-wide averages. Therefore, NERAD will also have<br />

a prcgram to i.mprove the productivity o farm activities other<br />

than annu.a) cropping, on a selective and phased basis both between<br />

and within Proje-t tambcns, as appropr.ate.<br />

The iarm l..vestocK_sstem almost always includes at least<br />

1 to 3 buflalo whi%-p-oVe tarmdraft power, and a small flock<br />

of native chickens toz meat and eggs. A smaller percentage of<br />

farms also have some cattle, hogs, andlor ducks or other types of<br />

poultry, depending on feed and water availab.l ty, capital, etc.<br />

Primary .lmitat ions for the product-on of large animals<br />

(buffalc and cattle' currentij include d.sease, parasites, and<br />

feed availability Disease and parasites cu:rrently result in<br />

a 30 to 40% mortality -4 young animals kn ,dd:tion to occasional<br />

epidemic losses, and the number of iivestock officers are<br />

inadequate to address the problem., The Pro3ect, therefore, will<br />

provide for better access to di.sease and parasite control<br />

services b providing tra.ning for tambon extension agents and<br />

farmer spec.al:sts, who will assist veter.nary officers in<br />

vaccinrt:ons, dispensing drugs for parasite control, etc. The<br />

Project will address the feed availab.1ity constraint through<br />

increased crop residue output under the cropping systems modification<br />

component, and through providing training for extension<br />

agents and spec~ali&st farmers in the use of seeding teohn'ques<br />

for Hamara tStylosanthes Hamata) and other forage legumes on<br />

unused lands and,or in public areas. Selected villages will also<br />

have demonstatitons of public land management for fcrage and<br />

fuelwood production.<br />

Household poilt!:y production is greatly lim.ted by<br />

epidemic diseases ,genera!iy 90% mortality of young native<br />

chickens), in addition to ptob.ems related to nutrition.<br />

inbreeding depression, and parasites, Since native poultry are<br />

an important source ot potein for family -onsumption 'second<br />

only to tish and aJ.so h.,e ready market and a consumer<br />

preference over commerciel breeds, NERAD will Lntroduce improved

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