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techncico: r :ow the various agencies =t the MOAC with an<br />

opportunity tc <strong>part</strong>icipate in a highly interactive research<br />

and development process aimed at the intex-dsciplinary<br />

resolut on ci area-specific problems at sLtes representing<br />

the majoi range 3i variation present in the Northeast<br />

region. Thus, not only wili all relevant agencies be able<br />

to ccrtribute toeir Knowledge t0 this problem-solving<br />

process but toe various agencies w:ll all benefit by<br />

learning more about how the:, ac:ni.vties interact with the<br />

ac-.v;ti.es or other agencies and the range of problems of<br />

indiv-dual farmers in the Noztheast.<br />

Pezsonnei required for this activLty will be<br />

provided as ta.hr.cal specialists from the various MOAC<br />

depaitments assigned to the Prolect. staff, with necessary<br />

addit;rnal services available from locai<br />

oz expatriate con­<br />

sultants. The multi-discipiinary research faci.litfes and<br />

equipment of NSROA are available foL supporting NERAD<br />

activities, and various de<strong>part</strong>ments and divi~sons have<br />

additional fac. 1ties and equtpment<br />

oc. ted witbn Project<br />

prov:.nces. The Pro.evt will have funds to provide additicnai<br />

necessary equipment and supplies, in addition to per<br />

diem and travel expenses of personnel.<br />

3. Extens5 i a<br />

The De<strong>part</strong>ment. ci Agr.cuituraL Extension of MOAC<br />

is in the midsr o an expansion program aimed at providing<br />

at least one tambon level agent foz each 1,000 farm families.<br />

The intent is to more d..rectly pravide available technology<br />

to farm ±amlies in order for the tambon extension agent<br />

tTEA) to be efiezr:ve with this large number cf farm families,<br />

a training and visit system and a system of contact farmers<br />

(CoF is being used, The TEA reze.ves tra-ning and suggestions<br />

for program activitie3 cne day each two weeks, He visits<br />

h.s area on a reguia: scheduLe dur:ng the crhe: days.<br />

During his v.-s .s primary cargrcts n-e .ine Co.F. There<br />

is one Co F tox each ten farm iamiiies n each village.<br />

Each CoF is, in turn, responsible for instact.z..g and<br />

informing ten farmers .n his area,<br />

While TEA's now have c csidetdbl.e responsibilities,<br />

this Prolect with its heavy emphasis on demonstra­<br />

tion and extension trials, v~ilayn meetings and village and<br />

tambon level plan:.ng, wiLl greatly intrease the responsibilitiez<br />

of the tamnon level exten;,on off;clals. To<br />

compensate for<br />

tnis, the Prolect will provide 14 additional

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