I I - part - usaid

I I - part - usaid

I I - part - usaid


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stoif timne on thoS- aeas,. This concern for<br />

resources and<br />

-zject tL those interselectiveLy<br />

limir mny emphasis in the<br />

ti<br />

ate muot attza ve econcmicaliy and socially<br />

vent.ions that<br />

will ser-ve to ge t .-i. £:o-.ject more naz-'owly as it matures,<br />

and further- simpl-'iy tne implerientat.ion piocess. Crre will<br />

- is no'! pkemat.uLe, howeveu, so that<br />

.be taken that.tr. process<br />

that the above mtchanisms will<br />

It is expec'ted<br />

help to assure that the PLc]ect is manageable ard that<br />

implementation prce&ds Iean y according to schedule.<br />

D. SunlmaL:IFindin<br />

iocia]ly and technically<br />

..<br />

This Project ..orsidered<br />

are<br />

sound arid admin siotvelY tt.asible,. Cost estimates<br />

1l.tgC,. Nc. significant negative envi.ronreasonable<br />

and<br />

all applimental<br />

e.fe ."ts are exps:c'ted The P oject. mtets<br />

X.<br />

cable statutory crtetia pet Annex<br />


A. Background<br />

I, Probiem D~let 1 ,,2t ior<br />

; d of' one-tn<br />

the<br />

Northeast Tha-land contains about<br />

the nation. Ai.bhutgh half of<br />

land area and pc.puJat.C:fn of<br />

tarmland,<br />

17 m'lli.L, hectae. aLe de'.octed f:'<br />

the region's<br />

or this farmiand .- p:eSently irrigated<br />

less than five pe:,;e1,t<br />

-. potentially iizigabie trom reliable<br />

and only 20 percent<br />

than two nc.-iI.Lon rural<br />

the more<br />

water sources.. Mo.zt o<br />

acc-jrdingl dp,:nd primarily<br />

in the Noi tnest must<br />

households<br />

.:,i the iegluri to pz.vide necessary<br />

on the ei'ati rax:,tai<br />

crop and livestock wate." This dependence- .' the unreliable<br />

loss due t.u ilooding or drought.<br />

rains often resuits -n ,.p<br />

bupply farmers in<br />

Besides r undependable water<br />

also uontend wIrth gereraliy sandy, low<br />

the Northeast must<br />

holding capacity., In<br />

fertility soils thot have low wayer<br />

surpLsing that Northeast<br />

It Is not<br />

view of these rthe limitati- 175<br />

pe.i incom" ot any of<br />

Thailand has iK.st capita<br />

region<br />

$O05-$130 a nu iy<br />

Thailand Thai-land htasi (,,. -)Il'qrnq r.Yitome, Io<br />

-. hat half of<br />

. . T..

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