I I - part - usaid

I I - part - usaid

I I - part - usaid


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- 55 ­<br />

d. SeediSt.ack. Farmers c.tten mention their lack<br />

of access to vmpvoe -seeds as an important constraint to<br />

using them The Prwject wv.i address thDs constiaint for<br />

rice and rt.eld crops by l.nKIng up with the several MOAC<br />

programs for svpp:ylng high quality seeds. Where necessary<br />

and feasible, seed stocks will be increased at. the village<br />

level by farmers ,tm.nedin the basics of seed mul.tipli­<br />

caron, Seeds ot high value crops for<br />

dry season planting<br />

may be morg of a problem but the crcps envisicned at this<br />

time are already gzcyn in the Nozrtheast and have established<br />

sources of supply. When a crcl new to an area is introduced,<br />

the Project wAi! supply seeds for initiai demonstration or<br />

ext.ension tzali Later the Project will schedule meetings<br />

with merch=nns and arrange for group puL.:hases until local<br />

sources of sopply ar e establ:ihed, The prosect implementation<br />

sequence or research ttral, demcnstration trial and<br />

exrens"cn ti:al comn.ned witr t:mrx t.avning in seed<br />

mulrtpicat-wn w.'! aoid the necev-sry ror<br />

large scale<br />

provision of :eeds trom sn-i..,:es out-dt A rre Tambon in all<br />

cases wnee seed can ce sail[ mult4L-ed oy favmers To<br />

supplement ths #proa.oit ;a also pla;:ed that.. th.s<br />

Project element, be closely coordinated w.th the proposed<br />

Seeds I! Project wrc, is p=rtally aimed at inc.easing the<br />

availa.1i±ty of suitan-e vegetable seeds,<br />

e- Fish stock reqgared unde. the Prcject can be<br />

supplied by the Fis.eres Deparment but it may not be able<br />

to supply sufi.ctent tinger:.ngs an a timely basis for all<br />

locations where these will be needed,<br />

Provision accordingly<br />

is be..ng made unde trne Project rox tri..ning and assisting<br />

farmers in the pioduction of r.ine.rGr, from fish seed,<br />

Similar tranvng prcgrams for faime-- have been conducted<br />

perod.cally in the past by prov.ncia! f.sheries station<br />

personneL and these are tteretoie rot expe:.ted to be a<br />

problem to deveLop undei the Prooect Fu:rYnexmore, although<br />

fish seed product-on is geneta.iy earmarked each year from<br />

the seven No~theas'.n provinc-a- fisheries stations, all<br />

stations genexa.ly ex-eed telr qu:tas ,in FY 80 by 5% to<br />

i111% thus permitting allocators<br />

to other priority demands.<br />

New projects wbich cculd increase hatcre.y suppl:es dramat'aiiy<br />

are under cops~derat:.on by OECE, and this subject<br />

may al be addressed under the ptop:6sd Fish Ponds iA<br />

Project scheduled for FY 82,<br />

Even it RTG supplies are<br />

inadequate to meet tb s Pro3ect ; demand, boever0 there is<br />

some indication (e~g ;.n the Auourn []nveis~ry pre-design<br />

study of VFP II done in November, 1980i OhaL fish seed not<br />

provided by DOF could be provided by the pz.vate sector

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