I I - part - usaid

I I - part - usaid

I I - part - usaid


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- 29 ­<br />

system in its implementation of activities in areas with<br />

rainfed agricultural conditions, The Tambon Extension Agent<br />

(TEA) is the key ag lculturnl official in the tambcn, but he<br />

needs training and support and the cooperation of trained<br />

villagers to function erfectively.<br />

(a) ExtensionSupxt<br />

The IBRD sponsored "Train and Visit"<br />

program was aimed at imprcving extensicn and was a start in<br />

the right direction. This Project. suppLements and intensifies<br />

the T & V apprcach through improving TEA's access to<br />

technical reso.rcee, giving him/her more information and<br />

training support, apgrading the contact zarmers TEAs work<br />

with to specialist Farmers, and giv:ng TEAs more help<br />

through additional statting and better facilities. Intensification<br />

of preser MOAC delivery systems will include<br />

provision for asEngning tambon extens;3n officers at the<br />

ratio of I tc 500 farm families, or double the current<br />

targets for each tambor. In each tambon7 a house, office,<br />

and storage faonl:tty and, where necessary, : meeting place<br />

will be constructed, Tanepcrtation and a minimal level of<br />

tools with wh.ich to warx w:;l be pcov.ded. Additional<br />

training related to project activ.ties will be given to<br />

tambon agents so that they underetand the basis for all<br />

project activitie6 in their tambcn dnd are able to provide<br />

day-to-day :nstruct~an and support- Furthermore a concerted<br />

effort will be made<br />

to channel all Prc'ect activities in<br />

each tamnon through the TEA. He wJLI be invclved in all<br />

Project act.vities and care will be ta.en under the Project<br />

to have this official considered by the v.llagers as the<br />

perscn most responsible for Project activit.es in the<br />

village.<br />

Provision w-11 also be made for<br />

De<strong>part</strong>ment of Agricultural Extension !DOAEj support from the<br />

district, provlnce and regional levels. Training for these<br />

officials will be provided and a mcbAle tra ning unti will<br />

be stationed at the ;egional leve. to be dispatched for<br />

concentrated tre..n'.ng programs in the Prcject tambonso The<br />

Project will also tir..nce inputs foz radio programs, printed<br />

materials and othez audio-visual ccponents as appropriate.<br />

Add;.tional training for ex, nsion and<br />

other personnel arz. included for 24 ta..Don agents, 4 field<br />

managers and 4 assistant f-eld managers, 7 district extension<br />

officials and 12 subject matter spec .a]sts,

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