I I - part - usaid

I I - part - usaid

I I - part - usaid


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- 37 ­<br />

fo maintenance, utilities, POL, office supplies, and<br />

personnel support (salaries/housing/per diem) are also<br />

Project i.nputs.<br />

Finally, technical assistance, research<br />

to be financed under the Project.<br />

act.iv tei and evaluation are<br />

above inputs are quantified and costed in Annex IX<br />

of<br />

of this PP. Generally, AID is financing all of the costs for<br />

above inpu.ts except for local support of foreign consultants,<br />

the<br />

costs such as RTG salaries, office supplies,<br />

most operationai<br />

POL, ut*,it:es maintenance for offices, purchase of two wheel<br />

dr.ve vehicles and 50 percent of the cost for water resources<br />

Part III-D shows the financial arrangements and<br />

improvement.<br />

cost sharing breakdown for elements of each output package.<br />

for the techn.cal assistance input are further<br />

Der.a-Ls<br />

discussed below,<br />

(7) Technical Assistance<br />

Techni.cal assistance needed to carry out<br />

the Project includes both an expatriate team and Thai con-<br />

The expatriate team includes<br />

sultants employed locally.<br />

'-our long-term positions, chief of <strong>part</strong>y (4.8 years),<br />

years) and<br />

agronomist 4 years', agricultural economist k4<br />

, The team will be procured<br />

tralning spec-.alist ,2 years<br />

through the Unlversity of Kentucky under Title XII col-<br />

The primary function of<br />

laborative assistlance procedures.<br />

the long-term expatr-ate staff will be to assist the MOAC<br />

Pro3ect Di:ector in developing the Proect based on coordinated<br />

implementation by the various MOAC agencies involved.<br />

The ch. ef of pdrty will serve as counter<strong>part</strong> tc the Project<br />

ass_.st h-m in preparing the necessary<br />

Director ard w-.<br />

plans, management .ntoimation system, reports, etc.,<br />

required to manage, monitor and evaluate Project activ:*ties.<br />

The agronomist and agricultural ec.nnom st w~il serve as the<br />

backup for the technical support staff charged with implementing<br />

the crop and other farming systems modifications in<br />

.f the long-term expatriate<br />

this Pro3ect One or more members<br />

expected to have experienre in conducting the<br />

team wiJl ce<br />

type ct integrative. probiem-solving research necessary for<br />

impiementat.on *of the farming systems research component of<br />

the Project. The training specialist w21 assist in developing<br />

the PL:ject txaininrg program5<br />

Forty th~ee montb- of short-teria expatriate<br />

in sczh areas as soils, minimum<br />

staff include specta.. sts<br />

tillage, forage production and ut.ilzatcn, fisheries,<br />

animal nutrition, plant protect.on, an.mal disease, forestry

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