Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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dared to openly mock the heir of God's promise. Sarah saw an

unending source of conflict in Ishmael's stormy disposition, and she

appealed to Abraham to send Hagar and Ishmael away.

Abraham was thrown into great distress. How could he banish

Ishmael his son, whom he still loved dearly? In his perplexity he

pleaded for divine guidance. Through a holy angel the Lord directed

him to grant Sarah's desire; in this way he could restore harmony

and happiness to his family. The angel gave him the promise that

God would not forsake Ishmael and that he would become the father

of a great nation. Abraham obeyed, but not without keen suffering.

The father's heart was heavy as he sent Hagar and his son away.

The sacredness of marriage was to be a lesson for all time. The

rights and happiness of this relationship are to be carefully guarded,

even at great sacrifice. Sarah was the only true wife of Abraham. No

other person was entitled to share her rights. She was unwilling for

Abraham to give his affections to another, and the Lord did not

reprove her for requiring her rival to be sent away.

An Example for All Generations

Abraham was to stand as an example of faith to later

generations. But his faith had not been perfect. He had shown

distrust of God in marrying Hagar. In order that he might reach the

highest standard, God subjected him to another test, the most severe

that any mortal was ever asked to endure. In a night vision, he was

directed to offer his son as a burnt offering on a mountain that God


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