Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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(7) "You shall not commit adultery."

God's law demands purity not only in the outward life but in

the secret intents and emotions of the heart. Christ, who taught the

far-reaching obligation of the law of God, declared that the evil

thought or look is as truly sin as is the unlawful deed.

(8) "You shall not steal."

This prohibition condemns kidnapping and slave dealing, wars

of conquest, theft and robbery. It demands strict honesty in the

smallest details of life. It forbids shady business dealings and

requires the payment of rightful debts or wages. Every attempt to

gain advantage by the ignorance, weakness, or misfortune of another

is registered as fraud in the books of heaven.

(9) "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor."

An intention to deceive is what makes a lie. By a glance of the

eye, a motion of the hand, an expression of the face, we may tell a

lie as effectively as by words. It is a lie even to state the facts in

such a way as to mislead. Every effort to injure our neighbor's

reputation by misrepresentation, slander, or gossip, and even hiding

truth in order to injure others, is a violation of the ninth


(10) "You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not

covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female


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