Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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and of Gideon!"

The sleeping army was suddenly awakened. The soldiers saw

the light of flaming torches on every side. They heard the sound of

trumpets with the cry of the attackers in every direction. Believing

that they were at the mercy of an overwhelming force, the

Midianites were panic-stricken. With wild cries of alarm they fled in

panic, and mistaking their own companions for enemies, they killed

one another.

As news of the victory spread, thousands of the Israelites who

had been dismissed to their homes returned and joined in chasing

their fleeing enemies. Gideon sent messengers to the tribe of

Ephraim, rousing them to intercept the escaping soldiers at the

southern fords. Meanwhile, with his three hundred soldiers,

"exhausted but still in pursuit," Gideon crossed the stream close

behind those who had already reached the farther side and overtook

Zebah and Zalmunna, the two princes who escaped with fifteen

thousand men. He scattered their force completely and captured and

killed the leaders.

One hundred twenty thousand of the invaders died and the

power of the Midianites was broken. They were never again able to

make war on Israel. No words can describe the terror of the

surrounding nations when they learned what simple means had

succeeded against the power of a bold, warlike people.

The leader God chose to overthrow the Midianites was not a


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