Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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superstitious fears. His daughters were influenced by their husbands

and they could see no sign of danger. They had great possessions

and could not believe it possible that beautiful Sodom would be


Lot Loses Everything Except His Life

Lot returned sorrowfully to his home and reported that his

appeal had failed. Then the angels told him to take his wife and two

daughters who were still in the house and leave. But Lot delayed. He

had no true concept of the debasing sins practiced in that wicked

city, and he did not realize the terrible necessity for God's judgments

to put a restraint on sin. Some of Lot's children clung to Sodom, and

the thought of leaving those whom he held dearest on earth seemed

more than he could bear. It was hard to forsake his luxurious home

and all the wealth of his whole life, to go out as a poor, homeless

wanderer. Shocked with sorrow, he lingered. If it had not been for

the angels, all of them would have perished. The heavenly

messengers took him and his wife and daughters by the hand and led

them out of the city.

In all the cities of the plain, even ten righteous persons had not

been found. But in answer to Abraham's prayer, the one man who

feared God was snatched from destruction. The command was given

with startling intensity: "Escape for your life! Do not look behind

you nor stay anywhere in the plain. Escape to the mountains, lest

you be destroyed." To cast one lingering look on the city, to delay

for one moment from regret to leave so beautiful a home, would cost


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