Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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out again, represented by the flowing water for Israel.

Just before the Hebrews reached Kadesh, the living stream that

had for many years gushed out beside their camp stopped. The Lord

would test whether they would trust His leading or follow the

unbelief of their ancestors.

They could now see the hills of Canaan, which were only a

short distance from Edom. The appointed route to Canaan ran

through Edom. God had directed Moses, "Command the people,

saying, 'You are about to pass through the territory of your brethren,

the descendants of Esau ... and they will be afraid of you. ... You

shall buy food from them with money, that you may eat; and you

shall also buy water from them for money, that you may drink'"

(Deuteronomy 2:4-6).

These directions should have been enough to explain why their

supply of water had been cut off--they were about to pass through a

well-watered, fertile country, in a direct route to the land of Canaan.

When the miraculous flow of water stopped, this should have been a

reason to be happy, a sign that the wilderness wandering was over.

But the people seemed to have given up all hope that God would

bring them into Canaan, and they loudly demanded the blessings of

the wilderness.

The water stopped before they reached Edom. This gave them

the opportunity to walk by faith instead of sight for a little while.

But the first test brought about the same spirit shown by their


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