Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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wealth that had taken years to accumulate be left to destruction.

Instead of thankfully accepting deliverance, she looked back

presumptuously, longing for the way of life of those who rejected

the divine warning.

There are Christians who say, "I don't want to be saved unless

my companion and children are saved." They feel heaven would not

be heaven without the presence of those who are so dear. But have

those who cherish this feeling forgotten that they are bound by the

strongest ties of love and loyalty to their Creator and Redeemer?

Because our friends reject the Savior's love, shall we also turn

away? Christ has paid an infinite price for our salvation, and no one

who appreciates its value will despise God's mercy because others

choose to do so. The fact that others ignore His claims should spur

us on to be more diligent, that we may honor God and lead all whom

we can to accept His love.

Sodom Destroyed

"The sun had risen upon the earth when Lot entered Zoar." The

bright rays of morning seemed to promise only prosperity and peace

to the cities of the plain. The stir of active life began in the streets;

people were going their various ways, intent on the business or

pleasure of the day. The sons-in-law of Lot were making fun of the

fears and warnings of the weak-minded old man.

Suddenly and unexpectedly as thunder from a cloudless sky,

the storm broke. The Lord rained brimstone and fire on the cities


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