Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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his determination to keep the truth in the middle of danger, he had

shown his fitness to be the next leader after Moses.

Joshua looked to the work before him with great anxiety, but

the assurance of God removed his fears: "As I was with Moses, so I

will be with you: I will not leave you nor forsake you. ... To this

people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to

their fathers to give them." "Every place that the sole of your foot

will tread upon I have given you." "Only be strong and very

courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law

which Moses My servant commanded. ... This Book of the Law

shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day

and night." "Do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left. ... For

then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have

good success."

"Arise," had been the first message of God to Joshua, "go over

this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving to

them." Joshua knew that whatever God would command, He would

make a way for His people to carry out. With this faith, the

courageous leader immediately began preparations for an advance.

Just across from the Israelites' camp was the strongly fortified

city of Jericho, the key to the whole country. It would present a

major obstacle to Israel. So, Joshua sent two young men as spies to

learn something about its population, resources, and strength of

fortifications. The people in the city, terrified and suspicious, were

on the alert, and the messengers were in great danger. But they were


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