Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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city of His love.

As Moses watched the final rejection of that people for whom

he had worked, prayed, and sacrificed, for whom he had been

willing to have his own name blotted from the book of life, as he

listened to those fearful words, "See! Your house is left to you

desolate" (Matthew 23:38), his heart was torn with anguish. Bitter

tears fell from his eyes in sympathy with the sorrow of the Son of


Moses Sees the Crucifixion and the Earth Made New

He followed the Savior to Gethsemane and saw the agony in

the garden, the betrayal, the mockery and scourging, the crucifixion.

Moses saw that as he had lifted up the bronze serpent in the

wilderness, so the Son of God must be lifted up, so "that whoever

believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:15).

Grief, indignation, and horror filled the heart of Moses as he viewed

the hypocrisy and satanic hatred of the Jewish nation directed

against their Redeemer.

He heard Christ's agonizing cry, "My God, my God, why have

You forsaken me?" (Mark 15:34). He saw Him lying in Joseph's

new tomb. The darkness of hopeless despair seemed to enshroud the

world, but he looked again and saw Him a conqueror going up to

heaven, escorted by adoring angels and leading a large number of

captives rescued from the grave.


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