Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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died, and when Moses raised the serpent on the pole, some would

not believe that merely looking at that metallic image could heal

them; these died in their unbelief.

Yet many people had faith in the provision that God had given.

Fathers, mothers, brothers, and sisters were busy in helping

suffering, dying friends to turn their listless eyes on the serpent.

Though faint and dying, if they could only look once, they were


The Bronze Serpent a Symbol of the Savior

The lifting up of the bronze serpent was to teach Israel an

important lesson--they could not save themselves from the poison in

their wounds. God alone was able to heal, yet they were required to

show their faith in the provision He had made. They must look in

order to live. By looking at the serpent they showed their faith. They

knew that there was no strength in the serpent itself, but it was a

symbol of Christ.

Before this, many had brought offerings to God and felt that

doing this made enough atonement for their sins. The Lord wanted

to teach them that their sacrifices had no more power than the

serpent of bronze, but were to lead their minds to Christ, the great

sin offering.

"As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness," even so was

the Son of man "lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not


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