Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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sins of blasphemy and willful Sabbathbreaking received the same

punishment, since they were equally an expression of contempt for

God's authority.

Many who reject the Sabbath as Jewish urge that, if it is to be

kept, the penalty of death must be inflicted for its violation. But

blasphemy received the same punishment as Sabbathbreaking.

Though God may not now punish the transgression of His law with

earthly penalties, yet in the final judgment death is the fate of those

who violate His sacred laws.

During the entire forty years in the wilderness, the people were

reminded of the Sabbath every week by the miracle of the manna.

Yet God declares through His prophet, "They greatly defiled My

Sabbaths" (Ezekiel 20:13-24). And this is listed among the reasons

for keeping the first generation out of the Promised Land.

When their period of time in the desert ended, "the people

stayed in Kadesh" (Numbers 20:1). Miriam died and was buried

there. From that scene of rejoicing on the shores of the Red Sea to

the wilderness grave that ended a lifelong wandering--such had been

the fate of millions who had come out of Egypt with high hopes. Sin

had dashed the cup of blessing from their lips. Would the next

generation learn the lesson?


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