Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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wife, and he loved her. So Isaac was comforted after his mother's


Young people too often feel that selecting a life partner is

something about which they should only consult themselves. They

think they are fully qualified to make their own choice, without the

aid of their parents. A few years of married life usually show them

their error, but too late. The same lack of wisdom and self-control

that dictated the hasty choice makes matters worse, until marriage

becomes a bitter burden. This is the way that many wreck their

happiness in this life and their hope of the life to come.

If ever the Bible was needed as a counselor, if ever divine

guidance should be sought in prayer, it is before taking a step that

binds persons together for life.

Parents should never lose sight of their responsibility for the

future happiness of their children. While Abraham required his

children to respect parental authority, his daily life testified that this

authority was not selfish or arbitrary, but was rooted in love and had

their well-being and happiness in view.

Fathers and mothers should guide the affections of youth so

that they may place those affections on suitable companions. Mold

the character of the children from their earliest years so that they

will be pure and noble, attracted to the good and true. If love for

truth, purity, and goodness is implanted in the soul early, the youth

will seek to be around others who possess these characteristics.


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