Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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therefore I command you to do this thing.'" Deuteronomy 24:18.

Note 2, page 132: The plagues the Lord sent on Egypt

humiliated their gods and cast contempt on their idol worship. The

Egyptians regarded the Nile River with religious reverence and

offered sacrifices to it as a god. The first plague was directed against

it. Exodus 7:19.

The second plague brought frogs. Exodus 8:6. Heqa, one of the

Egyptian deities, was a frog-headed goddess, and frogs were

considered sacred. The Apis bull was dedicated to Ptah, the cow was

sacred to Hathor, and the ram represented Khemu and Amen. The

disease that came on the Egyptians' cattle and animals afflicted their

sacred animals. Exodus 9:3.

The ninth plague assailed one of their greatest gods, the sun

god Ra. Exodus 10:21. The tenth plague (Exodus 12:29) was

directed against Pharaoh as a god, who was considered to be Horus,

the son of Osiris.

Note 3, page 154: When the Israelites worshiped the golden

calf, they professed to be worshiping God. But it was like the

Egyptians' worship of Osiris--by means of an image. The Egyptians'

worship of Apis was immoral, and the Israelites' worship of the

golden calf apparently was the same. Moses wrote that the Israelites

"sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play." Exodus 32:6. The

Hebrew word for "play" denotes singing and dancing, which among

the Egyptians was sensual and indecent. The Hebrew word for


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