Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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and more nearly resembled Saul in height and good looks than the

others. As Samuel looked at his princely bearing, he thought, "This

is indeed the man whom God has chosen as successor to Saul," and

waited for the divine permission to anoint him.

But Eliab did not fear the Lord. He would have been a proud,

demanding ruler. The Lord's word to Samuel was, "Do not look at

his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him.

For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward

appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." We may learn from the

mistake of Samuel how useless it is to judge people by how

beautiful or how handsome and tall they are. God's thoughts

regarding His creatures are above our finite minds. But if they will

submit their will to God, His children will be brought to fill the

place for which they are qualified, and enabled to accomplish the

work committed to their hands.

The Shepherd Boy Is Called to the Feast

Eliab passed from Samuel's inspection, and the six brothers

who were at the service followed one after another for the prophet to

observe them. But the Lord did not indicate that He had chosen any

one of them. With painful suspense, Samuel had looked at the last of

the young men. Puzzled and perplexed, he asked, "Are all the young

men here?" The father answered, "There remains yet the youngest,

and there he is, keeping the sheep." Samuel directed that he be

called. "We will not sit down until he comes here."


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