Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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and it was here that Jacob had bought the field in which the tribes

were to bury the body of Joseph. Here also was the well that Jacob

had dug.

The spot chosen was well fit to be the theater to enact this

impressive scene. The lovely valley, its green fields dotted with

olive groves, watered with brooks from living fountains, and

bordered with wild flowers, spread out invitingly between the barren

hills. Ebal and Gerizim, on opposite sides of the valley, almost come

together, their lower spurs seeming to form a natural pulpit. Every

word spoken on one was distinctly heard on the other. The receding

mountainsides, gave enough space for a huge assembly.

A monument of very large stones was set up on Mount Ebal.

On these stones, previously prepared by a covering of plaster,

Joshua inscribed the law--not only the ten commandments spoken

from Mt. Sinai and engraved on tables of stone, but the law

communicated to Moses and written in a book. Beside this

monument he built an altar of unfinished stone and offered sacrifices

to the Lord on it. Because of their sins against God's law, Israel

justly deserved His wrath, and they would have felt it immediately if

not for the atonement of Christ, represented by the altar of sacrifice.

Six tribes were positioned on Mount Gerizim, the others on

Ebal, and the priests with the ark were in the valley between. In the

presence of this vast assembly, Joshua read the blessings that follow

obedience to God's law. All the tribes on Gerizim responded,

"Amen." He then read the curses, and the tribes on Ebal gave their


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