Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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As each related his dream, Joseph made known its meaning. In

three days the butler was to be restored to his position and place the

cup in Pharaoh's hand as before, but the chief baker would be put to

death by the king's command. Both events happened as foretold.

The king's cupbearer had professed deep gratitude to Joseph for

the cheering interpretation of his dream and for many acts of kind

attention. In return Joseph, referring to his own unjust captivity,

pleaded for his case to be brought before the king. "Remember me,"

he said, "when it is well with you, and please show kindness to me;

make mention of me to Pharaoh, and get me out of this house. For

indeed I was stolen away from the land of the Hebrews; and also

have I done nothing here that they should put me into the dungeon."

The chief butler saw the dream fulfilled in every particular; but

when he was restored to royal favor, he forgot all about the one who

had helped him. For two years longer, Joseph remained a prisoner.

The hope that had been kindled in his heart gradually died out, and

the bitter sting of ingratitude was added to all of his other trials.

But a divine hand was about to open the prison gates. The king

of Egypt had two dreams in one night, apparently pointing to the

same event and seeming to foreshadow some great calamity. The

magicians and wise men could not give an interpretation. The king's

perplexity increased, and terror spread throughout his palace. The

general agitation reminded the chief butler of his own dream, and

with it came the memory of Joseph and remorse for his forgetfulness

and ingratitude. At once he informed the king how his own dream


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