Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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rich on the poor. While the one class ask a share in the blessings

God has bestowed on their wealthier neighbors, the other need the

faithful service, the strength of brain and bone and muscle, that are

the resources of the poor.

God's Plan Would Solve Social and Economic Problems Today

Many enthusiastically urge that all people should share equally

in earthly blessings, but this was not the plan of the Creator. A

diversity of financial condition is one of the ways that God designs

to develop character. He wants those who have worldly possessions

to regard themselves as managers of His goods, entrusted to them to

use for the benefit of the needy.

Christ has said that we will always have the poor with us. The

heart of our Redeemer sympathizes with the lowliest of His earthly

children. He tells us that they are His representatives on earth,

placed among us to awaken in our hearts the love He feels toward

the suffering and oppressed. He regards an act of cruelty or neglect

toward them as if it had been done to Him.

If the law God gave for the benefit of the poor had continued to

be followed, how different would be the condition of the world

today, morally, spiritually, and economically! Such widespread

poverty as seen now in many countries would not exist.

The principles that God has given would prevent the terrible

evils that result from the oppression of the poor by the rich and the


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