Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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seek God by sacrifice was a most solemn work; God required His

people to search their hearts and repent of their sins, so that their

offerings would be acceptable, and He could bless their efforts to

conquer the enemy. But Saul had become restless, and the people,

instead of trusting in God for help, were looking to the king to lead

and direct them.

Yet the Lord still cared for them and did not abandon them. He

brought them into difficult places to convict them of how foolish it

is to depend on human strength and that they should turn to Him as

their only help. The time for testing Saul had come. Would he

depend on God and patiently wait according to His command,

showing that God could trust him as the ruler of His people, even

under pressure? Or would he be dishonorable and unworthy of his

sacred responsibility? Would the king listen to the Ruler of all

kings? Would he turn the attention of his fainthearted soldiers to the

One who has everlasting strength and deliverance?

With growing impatience he waited for Samuel to arrive,

blaming the prophet's absence for the distress and desertion of his

army. The appointed time came, but the man of God did not appear.

God's leading had delayed His servant. Feeling that he must do

something to calm the people, Saul decided to call an assembly and

offer sacrifice to seek divine aid. God had directed that only the

priests should present sacrifices before Him, but Saul commanded,

"Bring a burnt offering," and he approached the altar and offered the



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