Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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Abraham's children and household were taught that they were

under the rule of the God of heaven. There was to be no oppression

by the parents and no disobedience by the children. The silent

influence of his daily life was a constant lesson. There was a

fragrance about Abraham's life, a nobility of character, which

revealed to everyone that he was connected with Heaven. He did not

neglect the humblest servant. His household did not have one law

for the master and another for the servant. He treated everyone with

justice and compassion as heirs with him of the grace of life.

How few in our day follow this example! Too many parents are

influenced more by emotion than reason, mistakenly calling it love

when leaving children to the control of their own will. This is

cruelty to the youth and a great wrong to the world. Their parents'

laxness strengthens the desire of young people to follow their own

wishes instead of submitting to God's requirements, and they grow

up to transmit their unbelieving, rebellious spirit to their children

and grandchildren. Obedience to parental authority should be taught

as the first step in obedience to the authority of God.

The widespread teaching that God's laws are no longer binding

has the same effect on the morals of the people as idolatry. Parents

do not require their families to keep the way of the Lord. Children,

as they make homes of their own, feel no obligation to teach their

children what they themselves have never been taught. This is why

there are so many godless families, and why wickedness is so



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