Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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parents and grandparents. They forgot God's hand, that for so many

years had supplied their needs. Instead of turning to God for help,

they complained in desperation, exclaiming, "If only we had died

when our brethren died before the Lord!" (that is, in the rebellion of


Moses and Aaron, the leaders, went to the door of the

tabernacle and fell on their faces. Moses was directed, "Take the

rod; you and your brother Aaron gather the congregation together.

Speak to the rock before their eyes, and it will yield its water; thus

you shall bring water for them out of the rock."

The two brothers were now old men. They had put up with the

rebellion of Israel for a long time. But now, Moses finally lost his

patience. "Hear now, you rebels!" he cried. "Must we bring water

for you out of this rock?" Instead of merely speaking to the rock, as

God had commanded him, he struck it twice with the rod.

The water gushed out abundantly, but a great wrong had been

done. Moses had spoken from irritated feelings. "Hear now, you

rebels," he said. This accusation was true, but even truth is not to be

spoken in anger or impatience. When he took it on himself to accuse

them, he grieved the Spirit of God. His lack of self-control was

evident. This gave the people an opportunity to question whether in

the past he had been following God's directions. They now found the

excuse they wanted for rejecting the reproofs God had sent through

His servant.


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