Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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condition of obedience: "If you will indeed obey My voice and keep

My covenant ... you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy

nation" (Exodus 19:5, 6). The people did not realize the sinfulness

of their own hearts and that without Christ it was impossible for

them to keep God's law. Feeling able to establish their own

righteousness, they declared, "All that the Lord has said we will do,

and be obedient" (Exodus 24:7). They eagerly entered into covenant

with God, yet only a few weeks went by before they broke their

covenant and bowed down to worship the image of a calf. Now,

seeing their sinfulness and their need of forgiveness, they felt their

need of the Savior revealed in the Abrahamic covenant and

symbolized in the sacrificial offerings. Now they were prepared to

appreciate the blessings of the new covenant.

The New Covenant and Justification by Faith

The terms of the "old covenant" were, Obey and live: "If a man

does, he shall live by them" (Ezekiel 20:11). But "'cursed is the one

who does not confirm all the words of this law'" to do them.

(Deuteronomy 27:26). The "new covenant" was established upon

"better promises," the promise of forgiveness and the grace of God

to change the heart and bring it into harmony with God's law. "This

is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those

days, says the Lord: I will put My law in their minds, and write it on

their hearts. ... I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will

remember no more" (Jeremiah 31:33, 34).

The same law that was engraved on tablets of stone is written


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