Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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God's people were to support His cause generously by voluntary

gifts, He would be honored and many more people would be won to


The plan of Moses to raise means for the building of the

tabernacle was highly successful. He did not make a grand feast. He

did not invite the people to scenes of laughter, dancing, and

amusement, and he did not hold lotteries. The Lord directed Moses

to accept gifts from everyone who gave willingly, from the heart,

and the offerings came in such great amounts that Moses told the

people to stop giving, for they had given more than could be used.

God has made us His managers. The Lord says, "Those who

honor Me, I will honor." (1 Samuel 2:30). "God loves a cheerful

giver" (2 Corinthians 9:7), and when His people bring their gifts and

offerings to Him with grateful hearts, "not grudgingly or of

necessity," His blessing will be with them, as He has promised.


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