Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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father, but Samuel did not try to spend time with them or follow

their evil ways. He constantly tried to become what God wanted him

to be.

The beauty of Samuel's character brought out the warm

affection of the aged priest. Samuel was kind, generous, obedient,

and respectful. Eli, pained by the evil ways of his own sons, found

comfort and blessing in the presence of this child entrusted to him.

No father ever loved his son or daughter more tenderly than Eli

loved this youth. Filled with anxiety and remorse by the immoral

behavior of his own sons, Eli turned to Samuel for comfort.

Every year saw more important trusts committed to him. While

Samuel was still a child, Eli placed a linen ephod on him as a sign

that he was set apart for the work of the sanctuary. Even though he

was very young when he had been brought to minister in the

tabernacle, Samuel had duties to perform, according to what he was

able to do. These were not always pleasant, but he performed them

with a willing heart. He regarded himself as God's servant and his

work as God's work. His efforts were accepted because they sprang

from love to God and a sincere desire to do His will. Thus Samuel

became a co-worker with the Lord of heaven and earth.

Integrity in Little Things

To perform every duty as something done for the Lord throws a

charm around the humblest work, and links the workers on earth

with the holy beings who do God's will in heaven. Integrity in little


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