Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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thoughts constantly suggested. Their life of ease produced its

demoralizing effect, and almost unconsciously they were departing

from God into a condition where they would easily fall to


During the time of their camping beside the Jordan river,

Moses was preparing for the occupation of Canaan. The great leader

was fully employed in this work, but this time of suspense was very

difficult for the people. Before many weeks had passed their history

was marred by frightful departures from virtue and integrity.

Midianite women began quietly entering the camp. These

women planned to seduce the Hebrews into violating the law of God

and to lead them into idolatry. They hid these motives very carefully

under the cloak of friendship.

At Balaam's suggestion, the king of Moab declared a grand

festival in honor of their gods. It was secretly arranged that Balaam

should persuade the Israelites to attend. They regarded him as a

prophet of God, and it was easy for him to accomplish his goal.

Great numbers of the people joined him in by going to the

festivities. Drawn in with music and dancing, and charmed by the

beauty of the women dedicated to heathen worship, they cast off

their loyalty to the true God. Wine clouded their senses and broke

down the barriers of self-control. Having defiled their consciences

by indecent acts, they were persuaded to bow down to idols. They

offered sacrifices on heathen altars and participated in degrading



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