Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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David had confessed his sin and had tried to do his duty as a

faithful servant of God. He had worked to build up his kingdom. He

had gathered supplies of material for building the house of God.

And now must the results of years of consecrated toil pass into the

hands of his reckless, traitorous son?

He saw his own sin had caused the trouble. And the Lord did

not forsake David. Under cruel wrong and insult he was humble,

unselfish, generous, and submissive. Never was the ruler of Israel

more truly great in the sight of heaven than at this hour of his

deepest humiliation.

In the experience through which He caused David to pass, the

Lord shows that He cannot tolerate or excuse sin. David's history

enables us to see the working out of His purpose of mercy, even

through the darkest jugdments. He caused David to be punished, but

He did not destroy him. The furnace is to purify, not to consume.

God Does Not Give Absalom Wisdom

Soon after David left Jerusalem, Absalom and his army took

possession of that stronghold of Israel. Hushai was among the first

to greet the newly-crowned monarch, and the prince was pleased

that his father's old friend and counselor had joined him. Absalom

was confident of success. Eager to secure the confidence of the

nation, he welcomed Hushai to his court.

Absalom was surrounded by a large force, but it was composed


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