Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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Unwilling to die in the wilderness, they were ready to believe

that it was not God but Moses who had decided their doom.

Although the evidence of God's displeasure at their rebellious nature

was still before them, they did not take the lesson to heart.

God, who reads the secrets of all hearts, had given His people

warnings and instructions that could have given them the power to

escape the deception of these scheming men. They had seen the

judgment of God on Miriam because of her jealousy and complaints

against Moses. The Lord had declared, "I speak with him face to

face. ... Why then," He added, "were you not afraid to speak against

My servant Moses?" (Numbers 12:8). These instructions were

intended not for Aaron and Miriam alone, but for all Israel.

Korah and his co-conspirators were among those who went up

with Moses into the mountain and saw the divine glory. But they

had held onto a temptation, though small at first, until their minds

were controlled by Satan. They first whispered their resentment to

one another and then to some of the leading men of Israel. At last

they really believed that they were driven by zeal for God.

They were successful in recruiting two hundred fifty princes.

With these influential supporters they felt confident of greatly

improving the administration of Moses and Aaron.

Jealousy had given rise to envy, and envy to rebellion. They

had deceived themselves and each another into thinking that Moses


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