Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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exposed to danger and death. Bitter was the thought that his own sin

had brought this peril on the innocent.

Suddenly a strong hand was laid on him. He thought that an

enemy was seeking his life. In the darkness the two struggled for the

mastery. Neither spoke a word, but Jacob put forth all his strength

and did not relax his efforts for a moment. While he battled for his

life, his guilt pressed upon his soul; his sins rose up to shut him out

from God.

But in his terrible extremity he remembered God's promises.

The struggle continued until near daybreak, when the stranger

placed his finger on Jacob's thigh, and he was crippled instantly.

Jacob now knew that he had been in conflict with a heavenly

messenger. This was why his almost superhuman effort had not

gained the victory. It was Christ, "the angel of the covenant." Jacob

was now disabled and suffering the sharpest pain, but he would not

loosen his hold. Repentant and broken, he clung to the Angel. "He

wept, and sought favor from Him," pleading for a blessing. He must

have the assurance that his sin was pardoned. The Angel urged, "Let

Me go, for the day breaks;" but Jacob answered, "I will not let You

go unless You bless me!" He had the assurance of one who

confesses his unworthiness yet trusts the faithfulness of a covenantkeeping


Jacob "struggled with the Angel and prevailed" (Hosea 12:4).

This sinful, erring mortal prevailed with the Majesty of heaven. He

had fastened his trembling grasp on the promises of God, and the


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