Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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apostatize from God if it had not been for the faithful instruction he

had received in his youth from Abraham.

It is dangerous for one who respects God to connect himself

with one who does not respect Him. "Can two walk together, unless

they are agreed?" (Amos 3:3). The happiness and prosperity of

marriage depends on the unity of the parties; but there is a radical

difference of tastes, inclinations, and purposes between the believer

and the unbeliever. However pure and correct one's principles, the

influence of an unbelieving companion will tend to lead away from


Those who have entered marriage while unconverted and are

later converted are under stronger obligation to be faithful to their

companions, no matter how they may differ in religious faith. Yet

the claims of God should be honored above every earthly

relationship, even if this brings trials and persecution. The spirit of

love and faithfulness may win the unbelieving one, but marriage

with the ungodly is forbidden in the Bible. "Do not be unequally

yoked together with unbelievers" (2 Corinthians 6:14, 17, 18).

Before One Marries

Isaac was the heir of the promises through which the world was

to be blessed; yet when he was forty years old he let his father

choose a wife for him. And the result of that marriage is a tender

and beautiful picture of happiness at home: "Isaac brought her into

his mother Sarah's tent; and he took Rebekah and she became his


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