Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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A good legacy from the parents must be followed by careful

training and forming right habits. God directed that the future judge

and deliverer of Israel should never, even as an adult, use wine or

strong drink. Lessons of temperance, self-denial, and self-control are

to be taught even from babyhood.

Why the Distinction Between Clean and Unclean Foods

The distinction between clean and unclean foods was based on

sanitary principles. To a great degree, one can trace the marvelous

vitality that has distinguished the Jewish people for thousands of

years to their observance of this distinction. Food that is stimulating

and hard to digest often injures the health and in many cases sows

the seeds of drunkenness. True temperance teaches us to live

entirely without everything hurtful and to wisely use what is

healthful. Few people realize how much their eating habits have to

do with their health, their character, their usefulness in this world,

and their eternal destiny. The body should be servant to the mind,

not the mind to the body.

Samson's Strength Depends on Faithfulness to God

In due time the divine promise to Manoah was fulfilled in

Samson's birth. As the boy grew, everyone could see that he

possessed extraordinary physical strength. As Samson and his

parents knew well, this was not dependent on his good physique but

on his status as a Nazirite, which was symbolized by his uncut hair.

If Samson had obeyed God's commands, his destiny would have


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