Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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been nobler and happier, but friendship with idolaters corrupted


Since his hometown of Zorah was near the country of the

Philistines, Samson started to mingle with them on friendly terms. A

young woman living in the Philistine town of Timnath caught

Samson's interest, and he determined to make her his wife. His Godfearing

parents tried to persuade him not to do this, but his only

answer was, "She pleases me well," so finally the marriage took


Just as he was entering manhood, the time more than any other

when he should have been true to God, Samson connected himself

with the enemies of Israel. He did not ask whether he could better

honor God when united with his chosen one. God has promised

wisdom to all who seek to honor Him first, but there is no promise

to those determined to please themselves.

How often emotions rule in the selection of husband or wife!

The two people do not ask counsel of God nor have His honor in

mind. Satan is constantly seeking to strengthen his power over the

people of God by leading them to unite with his followers. To

accomplish this, he tries to arouse unholy passions.

But the Lord has instructed His people not to join their lives

with those who do not have His love living in them: "What accord

has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an

unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols?"


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