Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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died, she was required to submit to the authority of her eldest son.

Moses commanded that sons and daughters obey their parents, but

as the Israelites strayed from the Lord, the fifth commandment, with

others, came to be ignored.

Satan was "a murderer from the beginning" (John 8:44), and as

soon as he got power over the human race, he not only prompted

them to hate and kill one another, but made killing, a violation of the

sixth commandment, a part of their religion.

Heathen nations were led to believe that human sacrifices were

necessary in order to earn the favor of their gods, and the most

horrible cruelties have been committed under various forms of

idolatry. Among these was the practice of causing their children to

pass through the fire before their idols. When one came through

unharmed, the people believed their offerings were accepted. They

regarded the child who survived as specially favored by the gods.

They heaped benefits on that child and held it in high esteem from

then on. However terrible the favored one's crimes, no punishment

ever followed. But if a child were burned in passing through the fire,

his fate was sealed; the anger of the gods could only be satisfied by

taking the life of the victim. In times of great apostasy these horrible

practices existed to some extent among the Israelites.

The violation of the seventh commandment was also practiced

early in history in the name of religion. Terrible sexual rites became

a part of the heathen worship. The gods themselves were impure,

and their worshipers unleashed their baser passions. Religious


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