Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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made them woodcutters and water carriers for the congregation and

for the altar of the Lord." These conditions they gratefully accepted,

glad to purchase life on any terms. "Here we are, in your hands,"

they said to Joshua; "do with us as it seems good and right to do to


Gibeon, the most important of their towns, "was a great city,

like one of the royal cities, ... and all its men were mighty." It is a

striking evidence of the terror with which the Israelites had filled the

inhabitants of Canaan, that the people of a powerful city would

resort to such a humiliating way to save their lives.

But the Gibeonites would have been better off if they had dealt

honestly with Israel. Their deception only brought them disgrace

and slavery. God had made a way so that everyone who would give

up heathenism and connect with Israel would share the blessings of

the covenant. With few exceptions such people were to enjoy equal

favors and privileges with Israel.

The Gibeonites could have been received on these terms. It was

a major humiliation to those citizens of a royal city, of which "all its

men were mighty," to be made woodcutters and water carriers. And

so through all their generations, their servile condition would testify

that God hates falsehood.

Joshua's Long Day

The surrender of Gibeon to Israel filled the kings of Canaan


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