Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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But wrath had gone out and the plague was doing its work of

death. Following his brother's instructions, Aaron took a censer and

hurried into the middle of the congregation to "make atonement for

them." "And he stood between the dead and the living." The plague

was stopped, but not until fourteen thousand Israelites lay dead.

Now the people were compelled to believe the unwelcome

truth that they were to die in the wilderness. "Surely we die," they

exclaimed, "we perish, we all perish!" They confessed that they had

sinned in rebelling against their leaders and that Korah and his

company had experienced the just judgment of God.

Don't the same evils still exist that were at the heart of Korah's

ruin? Pride and ambition are all around, opening the door to envy

and power struggles. People become separated from God and

unconsciously drawn into the ranks of Satan. Like Korah and his

companions, many are thinking, planning, and working so eagerly to

exalt themselves that they are ready to twist the truth, lying about

and misrepresenting the Lord's servants. By continuing to repeat

lies, they finally come to believe it to be true.

The Hebrews were not willing to submit to the Lord's

directions and restrictions. They were unwilling to receive

correction. This was the secret of their complaints against Moses.

All through the history of the church, God's servants have had to

meet the same spirit.


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