Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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The warning given to our first parents--"In the day that you eat

of it you shall surely die"--did not mean that they were to die on the

very day they ate the forbidden fruit. But on that day the irreversible

sentence would be pronounced, and on that very day they would be

doomed to death.

In order to have endless existence, a person must continue to

eat from the tree of life. Deprived of this, the vitality would

gradually diminish until life would become extinct. It was Satan's

plan that Adam and Eve would eat of the tree of life and thus

prolong an existence of sin and misery. But holy angels were

commissioned to guard the tree of life. Around these angels flashed

the appearance of a glittering sword. No one from the family of

Adam was permitted to pass that barrier; this is why there are no

immortal sinners.

Is God Too Severe?

Most people regard the tide of misery that flowed from the

transgression of our first parents as too awful a consequence for so

small a sin. But if they would look more deeply into this question,

they might recognize their mistake. In His great mercy God did not

give Adam a severe test. The very lightness of the prohibition made

the sin exceedingly great. If some great test had been given to

Adam, then those whose hearts incline to evil would have excused

themselves by saying, "This is a trivial matter, and God is not so

particular about little things."


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