Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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Saul was met by the prophet himself at the gate of the city. God

revealed to Samuel that at that time the chosen king of Israel would

appear before him. As they now stood face to face, the Lord said to

Samuel, "There he is, the man of whom I spoke to you. This one

shall reign over My people."

Assuring Saul that the lost animals had been found, Samuel

urged him to stay and attend the feast, at the same time giving some

hint of the great destiny before him. "On whom is all the desire of

Israel? Is it not on you, and on all your father's house?" The demand

for a king had become a matter of absorbing interest to the whole

nation, yet with simple modesty, Saul replied, "Am I not a

Benjamite, of the smallest of the tribes of Israel, and my family the

least of all the families of the tribe of Benjamin? Why then do you

speak like this to me?"

Samuel took the stranger to the place of assembly. At the

prophet's direction, the place of honor was given to Saul, and at the

feast the best portion was set before him. When the services were

over, Samuel took his guest to his own home and talked with him

there, explaining the great principles on which the government of

Israel had been established, and in this way seeking to prepare him

for his high position.

When Saul left the next morning, the prophet went with him.

After they had passed through the town, he directed the servant to

go forward. Then he told Saul to stand still to receive a message sent


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