Beginning of the End - Ellen G. White

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The Scriptures give only the simple record, "There Aaron died,

and there he was buried" (Deuteronomy 10:6 KJV). In striking

contrast, in modern times the funeral services of a person of high

position are often turned into opportunities for extravagant display.

When Aaron died, there were only two of his nearest friends to

attend his burial. That lonely grave was forever hidden from the

sight of Israel. God is not honored with great display and

extravagant expense when returning bodies to the dust.

The death of Aaron strongly reminded Moses that his own end

was near. He deeply felt the loss of the one who for so many years

had shared his joys and sorrows. Moses must now work alone, but

he knew God was his friend, and he leaned more heavily on Him.

Soon after leaving Mount Hor the Israelites suffered defeat in a

battle with Arad, one of the Canaanite kings. But as they asked God

for help, divine aid was granted and their enemies were completely

destroyed. But instead of inspiring gratitude, this victory made the

people proud and self-confident.

They continued their journey toward the south through a hot

valley, with no shade or plants. They were tired and thirsty. Again

they failed to endure the test of faith and patience. By dwelling on

the dark side they separated themselves farther from God. They

forgot the fact that if they had not complained when the water

stopped flowing at Kadesh, they would have been spared the

journey around Edom. They flattered themselves that if God and


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