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234<br />

function getPosition(theElement)<br />

{<br />

var positionX = 0;<br />

var positionY = 0;<br />

while (theElement != null)<br />

{<br />

positionX += theElement.offsetLeft;<br />

positionY += theElement.offsetTop;<br />

theElement = theElement.offsetParent;<br />

}<br />

return [positionX, positionY];<br />

};<br />

Getting the position of an element on a page is overly complicated, but there’s nothing to be done about it. An element can<br />

discern its position only in relation to its “offset parent” (which varies according to the way it is positioned, floated, and so<br />

on). To get its absolute location on the page, we have to recursively work our way up the offset parent tree (using<br />

element.offsetParent), getting the positions of each of the offset parents along the way and adding them together to<br />

return a total.<br />

Once each of the modules inside a module area has been added to dragHotspots, there’s a special case where we add the<br />

module area itself to dragHotspots. This is so we can recognize when the dragged module is below all other elements in the<br />

module area; in which case, we move it right to the end.<br />

The ghost<br />

After the map is created, we need to create the visual element that will indicate to users that they are dragging something.<br />

It’s actually a copy of the module that the user is dragging, and we make it look ghostly by changing its transparency, so I<br />

call it the ghost.<br />

We get the current position of the dragged module using getPosition(), and then we create the new ghost element. It’s an<br />

absolutely positioned empty div wrapped around a direct copy of the dragged module. The empty div acts as a substitute for<br />

the constraints of the module area div, giving the module a width to fill; otherwise, it would expand to a width of 100%. Because<br />

it’s positioned absolutely and inserted at the end of the body element, it’s free to move wherever the user’s mouse cursor moves.<br />

The copy of the dragged module is created using the cloneNode() method. cloneNode() takes one argument that specifies<br />

whether you want the contents of the node to be copied as well, or just the node itself. By calling dragTarget.cloneNode(true),<br />

we are saying we want a copy of dragTarget and its contents. We add that copy to the empty shell and then<br />

position it over the original module, so it looks like the user is dragging the ghost out of its body. By applying a bit of CSS<br />

opacity, we can give the ghost its ghostly appearance:<br />

#ghost .module<br />

{<br />

opacity: 0.65;<br />

filter: alpha(opacity=50);<br />

}<br />

You can see the result in Figure 9-13.<br />

To track where the user is moving the mouse while the button is<br />

pressed, we need to add a mousemove listener to the entire document.<br />

We add a mouseup listener to tell us when the user has<br />

released the mouse button.<br />

Figure 9-13. The ghost copy of a module next to its original

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