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Background<br />

Next, we apply the main background image (Figure 1-6) to the element. Although much larger than ideal, the JPG<br />

image will work as a tile. I would have preferred to use the GIF format for background images, but the level of detail and<br />

image gradation used for this large background image demanded the greater flexibility of the JPG format.<br />

Figure 1-6. The main background image, which will be placed in the center and tiled horizontally<br />

We use background shorthand in the CSS to place the tile in the center, at the top, and ensure it tiles only horizontally. Looking<br />

at the CSS for the body selector, you’ll see that alongside the main font rules and other items, all rules for background<br />

are combined using CSS shorthand, with the order background-color, background-image, background-position, background-attachment,<br />

and background-repeat.<br />

body {<br />

margin: 0;<br />

padding: 0;<br />

font-size: 95%;<br />

font-family: Georgia,'Lucida Grande',Verdana,sans-serif;<br />

text-align:center;<br />

color: #333;<br />

background: #C6C2B6 url(images/background.jpg) center top fixed repeat-x;<br />

}<br />

As the image is repeating horizontally (repeat-x), this takes up the whole width of the site, no matter how wide the browser<br />

window is. However, the page background-color is sampled on the flat color at the base of the background tile. The image<br />

combined with this color will complete the whole background and give the impression of a much taller background image.<br />

Within the shorthand, we used background-attachment:fixed to prevent the background from scrolling with the rest of the<br />

page, and background-position:center top to make sure that the midpoint of the first background image tile appears in<br />

line with the midpoint of the browser’s window. All other tiles needed to fill the width will be placed left and right of this<br />

initial centered image.<br />

chapter 1 Semantic Structure, Dirty Pretty Presentation<br />


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