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Furthermore, we apply min-width and max-width values to #wrap, ensuring that our design meets our client’s goal. The template’s<br />

width will expand in size until it reaches 980 pixels, and it will shrink down as far as 770 pixels. Looking sharp, no?<br />

Well, almost. There often is one blue “E”-shaped hiccup: versions 6 and below of Internet Explorer don’t support the maxwidth<br />

and min-width properties. A number of workarounds are available to us for IE on Windows. For New York Magazine,<br />

however, I settled on the following scrap of CSS:<br />

#wrap {<br />

width:expression(document.body.clientWidth > 980 ? "980px" : ➥<br />

(document.body.clientWidth < 772 ? "770px": "auto" ));<br />

}<br />

expression() is a dynamic property, which is a proprietary Microsoft invention (http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/<br />

author/dhtml/reference/methods/setexpression.asp) that works only in Internet Explorer on Windows. It muddies the<br />

otherwise clear waters between style sheets and scripting—as you can see, I’ve written a small snippet of JavaScript directly<br />

into the #wrap rule. When loaded by Internet Explorer, this JavaScript detects the width of the page (using<br />

document.body.clientWidth, another IE-only bit of code) and constrains the width of #wrap div if the window gets larger<br />

or smaller than our target widths.<br />

At this point, the standardistas in the audience might be asking, “But Ethan, why would you resort to nonstandard code<br />

in an otherwise standards-compliant template? And where do you live, so that I might throw pointed sticks at your<br />

W3C-hating house?”<br />

It’s at this point that our numerous CSS “patch” files come in handy. Since this is a fix for IE/Windows only, we can safely<br />

place the nonvalid code in our patches-win.iex.css file. Tucked away into this separate file, our nonstandard code is hidden<br />

from standards-compliant browsers and devices—and yes, that includes the beloved W3C CSS validator.<br />

Negative margins and columns and stuff! Oh my!<br />

With some markup and CSS foundations in place, it’s time to finish up our columns. Ryan Brill’s negative margins technique<br />

(http://alistapart.com/articles/negativemargins) is implemented in three simple steps:<br />

1. Set a width on the fixed-width sidebar (here, it’s content-secondary).<br />

2. Float the content-primary-wrap container to the left, and set its width to 100%.<br />

3. Set a negative margin-right on that container, the width of which should be equal to the width of the sidebar<br />

from step 1.<br />

The required CSS is as straightforward as it sounds. First, we need to float our two columns, like so:<br />

#content-primary-wrap {<br />

float: left;<br />

width: 100%;<br />

}<br />

#content-primary {<br />

padding: 0 12px 0 13px;<br />

}<br />

#content-secondary {<br />

float: right;<br />


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