Mar-Abr - Sociedade Brasileira de Oftalmologia

Mar-Abr - Sociedade Brasileira de Oftalmologia

Mar-Abr - Sociedade Brasileira de Oftalmologia

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Achados Oftalmológicos em um paciente com Síndrome <strong>de</strong> Weil127indo leucemia e endocardite bacteriana subaguda. (10)Nosso caso adiciona novas informações a respeitodas manifestações oculares da leptospirose, incluindoalgumas não <strong>de</strong>scritas previamente. Infelizmente, <strong>de</strong>vidoà gravida<strong>de</strong> do quadro clínico, fomos incapazes <strong>de</strong>realizar exames posteriores, incluindo exames complementarescomo angiografia fluoresceínica e tomografia<strong>de</strong> coerência óptica, que po<strong>de</strong>riam trazer informaçõesmais <strong>de</strong>talhadas neste caso.Acreditamos que a gravida<strong>de</strong> da doença po<strong>de</strong>estar relacionada aos achados fundoscópicos, uma vezque o paciente apresentou sangramento e oclusãovascular e não sinais <strong>de</strong> inflamação intra-ocular.SUMMARYTo <strong>de</strong>scribe an unusual case of Weil’s syndrome withintraocular involvement. Case Report: A 47-year-old manwith Weil’s syndrome referred progressive visual loss. Theanterior segment examination was unremarkable. Fundusexamination showed Roth’s spots scattered in the posteriorpole of both eyes, macular preretinal hemorrhage inthe right eye and macular hole in the left eye. Conclusion:Intraocular involvement in leptospirosis can lead toimportant reduction of visual acuity and may beassociated with the severity of the disease.Keywords: Leptospirosis; Ocular manifestations;Weil’s Syndrome; Case reports [publication type].REFERÊNCIAS1. Speelman P. Leptospirosis. In: Fauci AS, Braunwald E,Isselbacher KJ et al, editors. Harrison´s principles of internalmedicine, 14 thedition. International Edition: McGraw-Hill.1998. p. 1036-8.2. Sambasiva RR, Naveen G, Bhalla P, Agarwal SK. Leptospirosisin India and the rest of the world. Braz J Infect Dis. 2003;7:178-93.3. Rathinam SR. Ocular Leptospirosis. Cur Opin Ophthalmol.2002;13:381-6.4. Rathinam SR, Ratnam S, Selvaraj S, et al. Uveitis associatedwith epi<strong>de</strong>mic outbreak of leptospirosis. Am J Ophthalmol.1997;124:71-9.5. Vieira SRR, Brauner JS. Leptospirosis as a cause of acuterespiratory failure: clinical features and outcome in 35 criticalcare patients. Braz J Infect Dis. 2002;6:135-9.6. <strong>Mar</strong>tins MG, Matos KT, da Silva MV, <strong>de</strong> <strong>Abr</strong>eu MT. Ocularmanifestations in the acute phase of leptospirosis. OculImmunol Inflamm. 1998;6:75-9.7. Costa E, Lopes AA, Sacramento E, Santos PAB. Massive ocularhemorrhage resulting in blindness in a patient with sicklecell trait who <strong>de</strong>veloped leptospirosis. Case report. Rev InstMed Trop São Paulo. 2000;42:287-9.8. Boratto LM, Oréfice F, Vilela FB, Fabel J. Iridociclite nãogranulomatosa bilateral em um caso <strong>de</strong> leptospirose. Arq BrasOftalmol. 1985;48:178-81.9. Picetti E, Broilo VR, Mendonça C, Sá OAL. Uveíte porleptospirose. Rev Bras Oftalmol. 1993;52:39-40.10. Gass JDM. Stereoscopic Atlas of macular diseases diagnosisand treatment, 4 th edition. St. Louis: Mosby; p. 1997; p.601-736.ENDEREÇO PARA CORRESPONDÊNCIA:Oswaldo Ferreira Moura BrasilAv. Epitácio Pessoa 900/101, LagoaCEP 22471-000 Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro, RJE-mail: dico@unisys.com.brRev Bras Oftalmol. 2005; 64 (2): 125-127

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