Nr. 6 - Pro Didactica

Nr. 6 - Pro Didactica

Nr. 6 - Pro Didactica


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DICÞIONARcrete aflate în continuã schimbare.Conceptul de alternativã defineºte “posibilitateasau necesitatea de a alege între douã soluþii, între douãsituaþii etc.”, echivalente valoric (vezi DicþionarEnciclopedic Ilustrat, 1999, pag. 44, subl. ns.).Aceastã axiomã este valabilã ºi în cazul manualeloralternative. Nerespectarea ei (prin avansarea maimultor variante de manuale, cu conþinuturi diferite?!…)este inacceptabilã din perspectivã pedagogicãºi epistemologicã.Din perspectivã pedagogicã, manualele alternativetrebuie sã ofere douã cãi de învãþare orientate îndirecþia atingerii unor obiective comune prin intermediulunor conþinuturi comune, consacrate ºtiinþific,prelucrate pedagogic, adaptate la psihologia elevului.Alternativele pot viza formele de organizare a învãþãrii(prin acþiune, imagine, simbol), de explorare aacesteia (prin activizare, menþinere, direcþionare), degradare a sarcinilor în succesiune optimã (de tip:liniar, concentric, modular), de evaluare a rezultatelorîn termeni de produs dar ºi de proces (veziBruner, Jerome, S., 1970, pag. 53-69, 87-89).Din perspectivã epistemologicã, orice manualºcolar sau universitar (inclusiv cel proiectat în variantãalternativã) “exprimã conþinutul teoriei acceptate,ilustreazã numeroase sau toate aplicaþiile ei reuºite”,fundamentate pe realizãri ºtiinþifice exemplare indiscutabile,recunoscute de întreaga comunitate ºtiinþificã“drept bazã a practicii ei” într-o perioadã detimp determinatã (vezi Kuhn, Thomas, S., Structurarevoluþiei ºtiinþifice, Editura Humanitas, Bucureºti,1999, pag. 74).În concluzie, manualele ºcolare alternative reprezintãconþinuturile instruirii din perspectiva elevului,conform programelor ºcolare unice, care definescobiectivele dar ºi cunoºtinþele ºi capacitãþile fundamentale(corespunzãtoare acestora) comune, valorificabileprin intermediul unor metode diferite de(auto)învãþare – (auto)evaluare, echivalente pedagogic,adaptabile la condiþii ºi situaþii ºcolare ºipsihosociale deschise, aflate în continuã schimbare.REPERE BIBLIOGRAICE:1. Bruner, Jerome, S., Pentru o teorie a instruirii,Editura Didacticã ºi Pedagogicã, Bucureºti, 1970.2. Dictionnaire de pédagogie, Larousse Bordas,Paris, 1996,1987.3. Dictionnaire encyclopédique de l’éducationet de la formation, Editions Nathans, Paris, 1998.4. Dicþionar Enciclopedic Ilustrat, Editura Cartier,Chiºinãu, 1999.5. Kuhn, Thomas, S., Structura revoluþiei ºtiinþifice,Editura Humanitas, Bucureºti, 1999.SummaryThe current edition of the review focuses on the issues of handbooks: theoretical aspectsof handbook’s main function and also some practical aspects of their use (quality, design,prices etc.) and their importance in the educational process. In their articles our authors tryto elucidate different aspects of this complex problem.The column “Curriculum Vitae” offers a presentation of the “SIEDO” <strong>Pro</strong>gram inMoldova. In the column “Quo vadis” the reader will find an interesting presentation of somequestionnaires undertaken in order to know the points of view of free-hand users of handbooks:pupil and teachers. Also here you could read a “stenography” of a recent round tableconcerning to the main problems of handbooks. We now present you with an interviewwith Mrs. L. Stepan and Mr. E. Coroi – both of them in direct contact with the reality of thisissue. In the column “Evenimente C.E.P.D.” you will find some information about recentevents in <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Didactica</strong>. In the column “Ponderosa Vox” the reader can find a great articlepresented by the international expert - Xavier Roegiers (Belgium). The column “MapamondPedagogic” begins with an interesting article about the industry of handbooks in South Korea.The column “Ex cathedra” opens with an article written by V. Goras-Postica concerningthe relationship between syllabuses and handbooks. Also, the reader will find some ideasabout a new generation of history and chemistry handbooks, etc. The column “DocendoDiscimus” offers the different points of view of many teachers concerning the handbooks.In the new column “Development of Critical Thinking” we present information about theconcepts of critical thinking, theoretical principles of this and some practical application.In the column “Dictionar” the reader will find an exhaustive explanation of the term “alternativehandbook”.Summary<strong>Didactica</strong> <strong>Pro</strong>..., <strong>Nr</strong>.2(6), anul 2001MANUALELE ALTERNATIVE89

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