ON 17TH MAY, 2002 - ConstitutionNet

ON 17TH MAY, 2002 - ConstitutionNet

ON 17TH MAY, 2002 - ConstitutionNet


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vikuu, la banki, na patastatal bodies zote ziwe zitazimamiwa na wao wenyewe sio President. Tungetaka pia kamati ichaguliwe,<br />

katika wilaya zote 42 za Kenya, iwe ndio itakuwa ikichagua majudge, majudge wakuu na pia iwe ndio itakuwa ikichagua hata<br />

wakuu wa mabanki pia. Mtu yeyot akiimba mali ya uma, lazima asitakiwe na akishasitakiwa, akihukumiwa, tena arudi tuseme<br />

kama ni jera ameenda, na akirudi lazima arudishe mali yale yoote aliyechukua.<br />

Tena tungetaka tuseme kama maDC, wakiimba tuseme au wachukue pesa za serikali, wanapewa uhamishwa, kama sasa kwa<br />

katiba mpya tunataka wasipewe uhamisho, warudishe pesa zile zoote walichukua cha uma.<br />

Com. Ratanya: ebu jaribu sasa kumaliza<br />

Josphat Kiraithe: Pia tungetaka shule zote ziwe ni za free kutoka tuseme kama ni darasa la kwanza hadi university watu<br />

wapewe free. Kwa hayo machache sina mengine.<br />

Com. Ratanya: Asante sana Josphat, hata kwa kuweka saa yako sawasawa. Tuna Gatirau Munya.<br />

Gatirau Munya: Asante sana Bwana commissioner. Naitwa Gatirau Munya, mimi ni wakili, ninafunza university ya Moi<br />

University huko Eldoret. I will give my views in English,<br />

First of all I will try to correct one of the biggest issues, misunderstandings in the constitution review process that we have been<br />

facing. There have been a misunderstanding that Kenya the biggest problem in Kenya is the constitution. Constitutional crisis is<br />

what is placing this country back but that is really not the biggest problem in this country, the biggest problem in this country is<br />

leadership. We have a constitution that is which is not very good which has ploughs but a constitition that can run this country<br />

but because we have a leadership that surpresses this constitution and undermines it, because we have bad leadership that is<br />

why we are in this problem that we are in. So it is important for us to re-write the constitution and correct the mistakes that are<br />

in the constitution, but at the same time, Kenyans have to start searching for good leadership that will be able to remove them<br />

from the problems that they are facing right now. Of course I have said I admit that there are certain problems within the<br />

constitution that mean to be addressed and I will start by saying that I support a unitary system of government. Because fo then<br />

ethnic differences that we have in this country, It will be very difficult to have a constitution a majimbo constiution that can work<br />

because the states in Africa are fragile, there are very recent creations, they have not been able to develop to the level that they<br />

can be able to certain a federal system and if you look at other countries in African where federal system have been<br />

implemented they have not worked very well, so a unitary system that will be able to still keep Kenya as a strong nation, will be<br />

useful. A majimbo system is likely to dismember this country. At the same time we need a constitution that needs to addressing<br />

the news of various communities in the country, and therefore we need a strong local government. A local government that is<br />

not undermined by the central government. We need to strengthen the local government because eit is closer to the people. It<br />

is the one that provides basic services, it is the one that takes care of basic resources at the local level. Therefore we do not<br />

have viable and strong local government. In that regard therefore we need mayors and chairmen of local authorities to be

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