Finland Yearbook - 1956

Finland Yearbook - 1956

Finland Yearbook - 1956


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P ag e<br />

A ccidents ........................... 65, 194, 274<br />

Agglomerations, non adm inistrative<br />

1953: 27—35<br />

Agricultural m a c h in e s................ 88—89<br />

— schools ............................................. 292<br />

Agriculture 34—40, 82—99, 242—243<br />

— money tra n sa c tio n s................ 98—99<br />

—■production index .......................... 242<br />

— p r o fita b ility ..................................... 99<br />

— wages .............................................. 268<br />

A i r p o r t s .............................................. 205<br />

A ir tr a f f ic ............................... 205, 206<br />

Alcoholic leverages 256, 258—259, 315<br />

Alcoholics, care o f .................. 280, 282<br />

A l ie n s ................................................... 44<br />

A n im al d is e a ses.................................. 100<br />

Apothecaries ...................................... 278<br />

Arable land ........................ 82—85, 96<br />

A rea ................. 1, 2, 11—24, 82—83<br />

A via tion ................................. 205, 206<br />

B ank of F in lan d 163—1 6 5 ,170,172,174<br />

Banking and c r e d i t................163—180<br />

Bankruptcies ...................................... 180<br />

B anks .................. 163—174, 242 —243<br />

— commercial 166— 167, 170, 172— 173<br />

— mortgage ..................... 166, 170, 172<br />

— s a v in g s............. 168, 170, 172— 173<br />

B a sin s ................................................. 1<br />

Benefit Societies ..................... 185—186<br />

B ir th s ........... 4 6 - 4 9 , 53—54, 56— 57<br />

B lin d, schools for t h e ......................... 289<br />

Bonds, loans o n .................................. 176<br />

Books, p u b lis h e d ............................... 304<br />

Boundaries of F in la n d .................... 1<br />

B r id g e s ................................................. 192<br />

B ro a d castin g.................. 212, 3 0 2 —303<br />

B u ildin g activity 34—40, 120—122,<br />

242—243<br />

— costs index .................................... 255<br />

— perm its ........................................... 120<br />

B u ild in g s ................................ 248—250<br />

B usiness enterprises 152—155,231—233<br />

— — State .. 216, 221, 222, 224—225<br />

Canals ................................................. 207<br />

Cars ........................................... 192—193<br />

C a tt le ............................. 87—91, 98—99<br />

Causes of d e a th ........................... 62—65<br />

C hild allowances .................... 283—284<br />

— protection ........................... 280— 282<br />

Index<br />

P ag e<br />

Child welfare centres ........... 278—279<br />

Church, Greek O r to d o x ................3, 29<br />

—•Lutheran N a tio n a l ................ 2, 29<br />

Church-music institutes .... 1953: 293<br />

Cinemas ................................................ 306<br />

C ivil cases ............................. 307—309<br />

Clearing, B ank of F in lan d .. 1952: 158<br />

C lim a te ............................................................ 4<br />

Colleges .................................... 294—295<br />

Commerce ........... 34—40, 123—162,<br />

2 4 2 -2 4 3<br />

Com mercial sch o o ls............................ 292<br />

Communes ..................................................... 2<br />

— area ........................................... 11— 24<br />

—■fin a n c e s ............................... 234—241<br />

— official language .................................... 33<br />

—• population .............................. 11—24<br />

— social welfare 234, 236, 280—282<br />

— taxes ......................... 237, 240 -241<br />

Communicable d is e a s e s ..................... 275<br />

Com m unications . . . 34—39, 192—212,<br />

2 4 2 -2 4 3<br />

Congregations .................................. 3, 29<br />

Consum ption 86—87, 256, 258—259<br />

C o-operation......................................... 161<br />

Co-operative, credit societies .... 159<br />

—■savings banks ......... 159, 171, 173<br />

— societies .................... 155, 159— 161<br />

— stores .................................... 159—161<br />

Cost of liv in g ............................ 256—257<br />

-------index ........................................... 256<br />

Courts .................................. 2, 307—316<br />

Credit and b a n k in g ................ 163—180<br />

Credit volume ..................................... 177<br />

C rim inal c a s e s ......................... 307—309<br />

Crimes .................... 65, 309—312, 315<br />

Crops .............................................. 84—87<br />

Culture ...................................... 285—306<br />

Currency c irc u la tio n ..................163— 164<br />

Currency re s e r v e ................................. 165<br />

Custom revenues 204, 216, 223, 224,<br />

259<br />

D a in e s ................................. 88—89, 159<br />

—• c o -o p era tiv e..................................... 159<br />

D airy sc h o o ls....................................... 292<br />

Deaf-mutes, schools for ................... 289<br />

Death, causes o f ............................ 62—65<br />

D e a th s ........................... 46—49, 5 8 —65<br />

D ental tec h n ic ia n s.............................. 278<br />

D entists ................................................ 278<br />

Dioceses .............................................. 2—3<br />

Page<br />

D iscount rate ................................. 165<br />

Disease, cases of .......................... 275<br />

isplaced p o p u la tio n ..................... 43<br />

istraint ............................................. 310<br />

D ivisions, adm inistrative and judical 2<br />

Divorces ............................. 51—52, 307<br />

Dom estic arts and crafts, schools for 293<br />

Dom estic economy schools ........ 293<br />

Donation f u n d s ...................... 178—179<br />

Drainage works ................. 79, 102—103<br />

D ram atics, schools for .................... 291<br />

D uties, excise .... 216, 224—225, 259<br />

iv e llin g s............................... 251—254<br />

D w elling units, completed . . 121—122<br />

------ - fam ilies in need of accomodation<br />

.................................................. 122<br />

E d u c a tio n ................................. 285—306<br />

Election .................................... 317—323<br />

— g e n era l......................... 317, 319—321<br />

— m u n ic ip a l.................. 317,322—323<br />

— p r e s id e n tia l......................... 317—318<br />

E m igrants .................................... 68—69<br />

E m ployers’ Federations .... 271— 272<br />

Endowments ........................... 178— 179<br />

E pidem ic d is e a s e s ............................. 275<br />

Establishm ents, industry and<br />

handicraft ........................... 107— 108<br />

— trade and service branches 152—155<br />

—■transport and com munication 212<br />

Exchange r a t e ...................................... 174<br />

Expectation of life ........................... 45<br />

E xports ................................... 123—151<br />

—•index for prices of .................... 264<br />

E xternal trade ......................... 123—151<br />

F a m ily a llo w a n ce s................... 283, 284<br />

Farm ers m oney transactions . . . 98—99<br />

F arm s, a r e a .................................. 82—83<br />

— number of w o r k d a y s .............. 94—97<br />

— workers o n ............................... 92—93<br />

F arm worker, wages ......................... 268<br />

Feeble-minded, schools for 1955: 293<br />

Feed c o n su m p tio n ............................. 87<br />

Ferries ................................................. 192<br />

F ertility ............................................... 55<br />

F ertilizers, use of ............................. 97<br />

F ilm Control ...................................... 305<br />

Fire in su ra n c e ................ 187—189,191<br />

Fishing ........................................ 101, 242<br />

Foreign d e b t......................................... 176

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