22.02.2013 Aufrufe

Institut für Mathematik der Universität Augsburg - am Institut für ...

Institut für Mathematik der Universität Augsburg - am Institut für ...

Institut für Mathematik der Universität Augsburg - am Institut für ...


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Preprints and Reports<br />

Local multilevel methods for adaptive nonconforming finite element methods.<br />

With: X. Xu, H. Chen<br />

submitted to Math. Comput., 2010.<br />

Weak-duality based adaptive finite element methods for PDE constrained optimization with point wise<br />

gradient state-constraints.<br />

With: M. Hintermüller and M. Hinze<br />

submitted to J. Comp. Math., 2010.<br />

Projection based model reduction for optimal design of the time-dependent Stokes system.<br />

With: T. Franke, C. Linsenmann, and A. Wixforth<br />

submitted to Proc. 'PDE Constrained Optimization' (G. Leugering et al., eds.),<br />

Birkhäuser, Basel-Boston, 2010.<br />

Optimal diffeomorphic matching in biomedical image processing.<br />

With: R. Azencott, R. Glowinski, J. He, A. Jajoo, Y. Li, A. Marty nenko, S. Benzekry, MD, S.H. Little,<br />

MD, and W.A. Zoghbi, MD<br />

submitted to Proc. Workshop 'Optimal Control in Image Processing' (C. Garbe et al., eds.), Springer,<br />

Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2010.<br />

Adaptive hybridized interior penalty Discontinuous Galerkin methods for H(curl)-elliptic<br />

problems.<br />

With: C. Carstensen, N. Sharma, and T. Warburton<br />

submitted to Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods, and Applications, 2010.<br />

A review of united posteriori finite element error control.<br />

With: C. Carstensen, M. Eigel und C. Löbhard<br />

submitted to Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods, and Applications, 2010.<br />

Numerical simulation of the motion and deformation of red blood cells and vesicles in microfluidic flows.<br />

With: T. Franke, C. Linsenmann, L. Schmid, C. Willbold, and A. Wixforth<br />

submitted to Comput. Visual. Sci., 2010.<br />

Malte Peter<br />

Refereed Papers<br />

A general spectral approach to the time-domain evolution of linear water waves impacting on a vertical<br />

elastic plate.<br />

With: M. H. Meylan<br />

In: SIAM J. Appl. Math. 70 (7), p. 2308–2328, 2010.<br />

A three-dimensional model of wave attenuation in the marginal ice zone.<br />

With: L. G. Bennetts, V. A. Squire and M. H. Meylan<br />

In: J. Geophys. Res. – Oceans 115, C12043, 2010.<br />

Asymptotic reflection of linear water waves by submerged horizontal porous plates.<br />

With: D. V. Evans<br />

In: J. Engng Math, im Druck.<br />

Caroline Böß<br />

Refereed Papers<br />

State estimation using model or<strong>der</strong> reduction for unstable systems,<br />

With: A.S. Lawless, N.K. Nichols und A. Bunse-Gerstner<br />

To appear in: Computers and Fluids DOI information: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2010.11.033<br />


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